Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Preparing to Sell at a Craft Fair for the First Time

My daughter and I spent all last weekend preparing to sell some of our handmade items at a local craft fair. It's the first time we've done this so we're both excited and apprehensive.

To prepare, we:

  • collected together all the items we plan to sell,
  • added a tag or label to each item with a short description of the item, its materials and any other relevant information, such as washing instructions for hand-knitted clothing,
  • decided on a price for each item and added this to the tag or label,
  • were inspired to make a few extra items to add to those we already have!
Apart from that, I'm not sure what else we can do to prepare. On the day of the craft fair, we'll get there nice and early, so that we have plenty of time to set up our table and display everything attractively.

Is there anything else you'd do to prepare for a craft fair? Do you have any tips for selling at a craft fair?

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