Monday, February 21, 2011


I can't believe that we are three-quarters of the way through February already. I'm afraid that blogging has taken a back seat to lots of other things that are going on in my life at the moment. It's a shame, as I enjoy blogging and interacting with other bloggers.

I'd like to thank all of you who have been visiting my blog during my period of absence. Your loyalty is very much appreciated.

Unfoturnately, I also haven't had much time for crafting recently but I feel a real need to do something creative. I've thought of scheduling short, ten-minute crafting sessions each day. Have any of you tried this? How does it work? Do you have any other suggestions for incorporating crafts into a busy schedule?

Any comments and suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Sandy said...

I always have my knitting and or crocheting with me, and getting maybe 10-15 minutes at work during lunch is better than not at all. If we're in the car going any distance and I'm not driving, out comes the yarn and needles. I almost always have something going if I sit down in front of the tv...yep a few minutes here and there help, they add up.

Roz said...

Hi Sandy

It's nice to hear from you. It's good that you take your knitting or crocheting along with you when you go out - I don't and tend to leave it until the end of the day when I feel quite tired and not very motivated.

I work from home so perhaps I should have a 10 minute knitting break every day! As you say, it all adds up! Thanks for the inspiration!

Best wishes,


Sher said...

Hi Roz,
Thanks for visiting my blog! I have tried crafting (crocheting) for short periods, and found it worked very nicely. Being creative is such a wonderful way to relax your mind...for me, it's almost as good as meditation :0)

Please drop me a line and let me know how you're doing! We're doing OK here--staying pretty busy :0)

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Roz said...

Hi Sher

Thanks for your comment. I must try to make a big effort to schedule short crafting breaks into my day as I definitely need to relax my mind!!!

Best wishes,


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